четверг, 21 июля 2016 г.

Old T-shirt Rug on a Hula Hoop Loom

Weave a rug? Me?
Since I have never done any weaving, crochet, or knitting, this is truly a"if-I-can-do-it-so-can-anyone" project!

I was actually surprised by how quickly the whole piece came together, and how fun and enjoyable the whole process was!

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

It all started with a trip to Salvation Army! On my first trip, I ended up with a pile of t-shirts the size of an elephant...
Realizing I was totally lost in all the colors, I put them all back except for 3 pieces!!

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

Second trip : I came prepared - with a color palette I brought! See, colors are like musical notes, the more isn't the better. It's really about harmony!
You will need about 5-7 x-large t-shirts to weave a 30" diameter rug, depending on how many colors.

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

All the t-shirts were turned into t-shirt yarn. See more about this process at the end.

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

Take out a hula hoop. Mine is 30" across. Tie the cross piece first, then weave over and under through those cross pieces of yarn. For the first few rounds, weave every 2 cross pieces so it doesn't get too dense at the center.

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

With a hula hoop as loom, you will need some tape or clips to secure the yarn at the beginning, so it does not shift too much.

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

Once we get to the end of the last circle of weave, just tie a knot or stitch the last ends to stop any unraveling. Cut the cross yarns and tie a secure knot with every two pieces. Add finishing touches such as tassels and pompoms, all made from t-shirt yarn!

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

Don't have a hula hoop, you can use cardboard as a loom too! And you might fall in love with a new hobby!

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

I am sure your rug will be so cozy and pretty! Check out the link below for more details on different looms, and secrets to great t-shirt yarn!

old t shirt rug on a hula hoop loom, crafts, flooring, repurposing upcycling

Original article and pictures take http://www.hometalk.com/10040835/old-t-shirt-rug-on-a-hula-hoop-loom site

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